Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Gone, but not forgotten!

It's been gently brought to my attention that my blog needs serious updating.  How right you are!

Let's see...when we last spoke, I just found those awesome chairs and bench.  Well, a daytrip and many miles on the car led me to this wonderful table for the kitchen.  It's new but has the look of an old farm table.  It will serve as both a work surface and breakfast/lunch spot.  With a protective cover, it will also work quite nicely as a crafting/creative center.  Multi-tasking at it's best! 

This kitchen is large enough that I have space to put a rocking chair in front of the fireplace - a hearth room of sorts.  Bits and I like to sit there in the morning with a cup of hot tea.

Slowly, we're moving some furniture pieces from the townhouse to the lake house.  Don't want to make the townhouse look bare, so we're trying to choose carefully what goes and what stays.  Here's a few shots of the interior, all dressed up for the holidays.

We've had our first blast of winter weather unpleasantness.  Bitter cold with snow and stuff.
As long as I'm staying inside, I can apprecaite the beauty.  Here's a few shots from my kitchen window.

We have regular visitors as well.  I've noticed some rather large footprints, rather close to the front porch!  One day I found my front porch wreath lying on the ground and other decorations *rearranged.*  It could  have been the wind, but the wreath hangs securely from a hook rather than just a nail.  Guess it wasn't as tasty as they thought it might be!

I'm thinking gardening may be a challenge next year! 

The projects continue - work begins this week on a third bedroom/bathroom in the basement.  At least the noise, clutter and dust won't be right under foot this time. When this is done, the small room already finished downstairs will become my creative space, my sewing room, my craft room.....my *leave me alone* room.  Every woman deserves a space of her own, even if it's just a corner in a room with a special chair, a charming lamp and books to read, music to enjoy and maybe some handwork to do.  Refreshes the soul! 

Given my past performance, I may not be back to post before Christmas.  If not, let me now wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas, pleasant days with special memories created, and an appreciation for the blessings in our lives. 

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