Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Introducing....Lil' Bits

Bitsy is her everyday name....Bitsy Ann when she's being mischevious and "Gosh darn it, Dog" when she's chewed through another pair of socks. 

She's a Maltese/Schnauzer cross...a Mauszer.  I wanted to call her Minnie -- Minnie the Mauszer, but I was vetoed.

She is smart as a whip, stubborn, playful, endless energy and a real cuddler when she finally stops moving. 

A while back, we watched a movie called "Ring of Bright Water."  It's about a man who adopts an otter and moves to the Scottish seaside to live.  Bits watched...really watched.....most of that movie while sitting on the couch with us.  When the otter started to play, she would run up to the TV, try to figure out how to get inside and then race around the room.

When the otter was introduced to a neighbor's dog and they started romping around, she went crazy.  Barking, whining, running around the room, running up to the TV and then repeating the cycle.  At one point, she jumped up on the couch, put her front paws on my shoulders, and said  "Mom, I want an otter!"   Then raced around the room like a crazy dog again.

The other morning, I was at the house looking out the screen porch to the lake.  I just briefly saw something swimming across the water,  really more like gliding across the water.  It wasn't a snake, it wasn't a fish.  There was definately a small head bobbing just above the water. 

Hmmm....maybe Bits is getting her otter after all. 


Sandy said...

I've heard reports that folks are not able to post comments, so I'm testing the waters here....

ponyexpress said...

Now I'm going to post under an assumed name....

Anonymous said...

Hi there hope this works.

Anonymous said...

LOL well I love the pic! Bitsy's hair is adorable! - Dana