Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A light at the end of the tunnel...

I just hope it isn't a train coming at me!  ;-)  Seriously, it really is all coming together.  The fireplace is finished, except for my painting of the mantel.  The wood *faux* beams are in place on either side of the fireplace and finished....except for my painting them.  See a pattern developing here?  My shoulders and arms ache from the scraping, sanding, painting...painting...painting.  But I wouldn't have been happy reinstalling the old, worn-looking baseboard over my new flooring.   Oh yes!  The wood flooring is all finished...sorry, no pictures this time.  I can actually take a moment to begin thinking about furniture placement and what will go where.  At least that's a fun job!

We have a family of deer that visit regularly about dusk.  The neighbor puts out corn for them, trying to help the little ones get fattened up before winter.  I think they are charming now....maybe not so much in the spring when they're eating my flowers.  I'll have to research deer-resistant plants. 

Last night, I heard a *coughing* noise coming from the woods in the upper part of the yard.  Sounded almost like a croupy cough - and if you have children, you know what I mean.  I figured it was one of my deer, and called out to ask if it was okay.  Yeah, I know, bear with me.  The coughing continued and so I ventured up the driveway to see what was happening.  Seriously, what was I going to do....offer it Robitussin?   I noticed three deer to the left, but the noise was coming from the right. 

Then it occurred to me that maybe it wasn't coughing....maybe it was a barking noise...  a territorial, *keep your distance* kind of noise.   Suddenly, I'm remembering those stories on TV..when animals get mad and attack people.  I decided discretion was the better part of valor and hoofed it back down the driveway.  I think I have a bit more to learn about wildlife, up close and personal. 

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